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What is Aramid Fibre?

Shedding some light on this useful material

Aramid fibre is a relative newcomer to the world of ultra-protective, totally aesthetic phone cases, but it’s quickly making its mark on the industry. A lot of people, however, still don’t know exactly what aramid fibre is or how it protects your tech. Let’s demystify this incredible material.


What Are The Properties of Aramid Fibre?

Aramid fibre is a man-made synthetic fibre, known for being heat resistant and especially strong. Originally designed for the US military, this is a high-performance material which is favoured for its extreme durability. It’s also incredibly light in comparison to how tough it is, and each fibre is thinner than human hair. Its relatively low molecular weight and extreme resilience means that aramid fibre is now used for bulletproof vests, aeroplanes and even spaceships. You couldn’t really pick a tougher protective material for your phone case.

aramid fibre is an ultra protective material


How Does Aramid Fibre Differ from Carbon Fibre?

 There’s a lot of confusion between carbon fibre and aramid fibre, but they are not the same material. The confusion is understandable - both are man-made, modern composites, widely used because they’re so strong and light, and both come from the same family of materials.

Carbon fibre, however, is an electrical conductor which means it can interfere with the signal reception of your phone. Aramid fibre, on the other hand, is not conductive and does not impact WiFi, GPS or your phone service. Additionally, whilst it’s strong and stiff, carbon fibre is also brittle, meaning that it may protect your phone from drops and shocks but it’s likely to break on impact.


Is Aramid Fibre the Same as Kevlar®?

In a word, yes. Kevlar® is a registered brand name, used for products manufactured by the DuPont company, but it’s just another way of referring to aramid fibre. DuPont use it to create body armour and bulletproof vests, but when it’s used elsewhere, you’ll see it referred to by its generic name, aramid fibre. If you’re familiar with Kevlar®, you also have a good understanding of the properties of aramid fibre.


How Does Aramid Fibre Protect My Phone?

Aramid fibre is arguably the toughest and most appropriate material to protect your phone or other tech devices. It’s super high-strength which means that even if your device takes severe impacts or shocks, aramid fibre can help protect against any potentially fatal damage. It’s also extremely stiff, which means that when your phone drops, it doesn’t twist in the air - torsion and twisting are some of the main reasons that phones break on impact and aramid fibre directly combats this.

Aramid fibre also boasts good resistance to abrasion, meaning that your case won’t weather or get scratched easily. Aramid fibre has no melting point, guards against organic solvents and has extremely low flammability. We believe there’s no better way to protect your phone.

keep your phone protected in an aramid fibre case


What Aramid Fibre Products Does Mous Offer?

Our most protective phone cases, our Limitless 2.0 and 3.0 range, both boast an aramid fibre option. Our Limitless cases offer best-in-class drop protection with a slim, sleek, unobtrusive design, engineered to provide the absolute maximum protection possible for your phone. They’re also lined with our innovative AiroShock™  technology which further shields your phone from devastating damage when dropped or impacted. And we don’t compromise on style or protection - our aramid fibre cases are designed to look every bit as impressive as they are. Robust, rugged and made from real aramid fibre. This is ultimate protection and ultimate style. 


About Mous

Mous was born when we realised that slim cases weren’t protective and protective cases were ugly, inspiring us to develop a range of phone cases that were both extremely protective and beautifully crafted. From dropping phones off 45ft cranes to throwing iPhones out of helicopters, our journey has been anything but traditional. We want to raise people’s expectations of what a phone case can deliver, creating beautiful and practical products that can protect your most valued tools.

We’ve managed to make our ideas of aesthetic, but protective phone cases into reality, alongside creating other phone accessories such as AirPods cases, screen protectors, and so much more.

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